Building Queer Community in Nashville and throughout Tennessee
It’s a heavy and difficult time to find friends, allies, and chosen family if you are queer, trans, or marginalized. Scroll down for opportunities of connection, new friends, advocacy, and community healing!
Queer Community, Conversation, and Healing during the Holidays
The Open Umbrella @ Rainbow Room
Come join us at the Rainbow Room for a night of queer community! This new recurring in-person event will be held at Music City PrEP Clinic's Rainbow Room co-hosted by MCPC and Healing Umbrella. This monthly event is an opportunity for queer & trans folks to engage in open conversation and light snacks while building community and learning tools to manage self-care.
This event is free!
Fri. Dec 6, 6:30-8:00pm
Music City PrEP Clinic, Rainbow Room
225 S 11th Street, Nashville
We’ll keep this page updated with a diverse range of queer community events, social activist organizations, and opportunities for just being, working, and laughing together during challenging times!
Check back… more soon!